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We exist to
pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere
and to help fellow believers do the same.

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Stop Antisemitism

Learn more about the “oldest hatred”—which has threatened the lives of God’s chosen people for many years—and how you can take action in the fight against antisemitism.

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Explore topics like the Jewish history, the biblical feasts and festivals, the biblical basis for Jewish evangelism, the role of Israel in God’s redemptive plan, and more.
A man talks to another Jewish man on the streets of NYC
About Us

The Jewish population is one of the most unreached groups in the world.

Reaching them with the good news of Jesus is nuanced and requires a better understanding of the Bible and Jewish people. We have worked for more than a century to bring the gospel to Jewish people everywhere and equip fellow believers to do the same.

About Us

Latest Articles

Read the latest articles on topics related to Jewish evangelism, biblical knowledge, the Jewish roots of our faith in Jesus, contemporary topics, antisemitism, and more.

Antisemitism Around the World

Antisemitism comes in all shapes and forms. In different times and places, people have given various reasons for their hatred of Jewish people. But whether cloaked in misguided theology or racist agendas, antisemitism has been a deadly problem over the millennia, and it is once again on the rise around…

Dr. Mitch Glaser presenting Messiah in the Passover

Upcoming Presentations

We speak at churches all over the country every month. Learn about how you can reach the Jewish community in your area.