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Read what others have to say about Chosen People Ministries.
Walter Kaiser

"It has been my privilege to work closely with Chosen People Ministries. God has granted to that work the gifts of Mitch Glaser as Director. His bold initiatives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ have been evident in the successful “Isaiah 53” Campaign in New York City, Los Angeles, and now in Israel.

I encourage you to receive Mitch or any of Chosen People’s gifted missionaries in any and every way you can, for these must be the days of the Jewish harvest that the Apostle Paul spoke of in Romans 9-11. It is too late to argue academically if the Lord will restore Israel back in her land before He returns a second time. What shall we say of the 6 million Jewish people now back in the land of Israel already? This is approaching one half of the total Jewish population. Surely that is a sign for all of God’s people to wake up and smell the coffee, for our Lord will soon climax history by fulfilling His promise that He gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

God bless you as you are led by the Holy Spirit to invest your prayers and resources in what God had announced as His plan of action ever since the days of the Biblical patriarchs. Careful readers of the Word of God are cognizant of the blessing God has promised on those who bless Israel (Genesis 12:2-3)."

Walter Kaiser
President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"Biola University has had a close partnership with Chosen People Ministries for many years. Through conferences, lectures and the work of The Charles L. Feinberg Center in Brooklyn, we have enjoyed partnering together in gospel proclamation and theological education. We are grateful for this wonderful organization!"

Barry Corey
President, Biola University

"I have served on the board of Chosen People Ministries for well over a decade. I know their work and how it can energize a church not only for evangelism to Jewish people but also for outreach in general. Many people are intimidated to share their faith, especially with someone whose faith may be quite different from their own. The opportunity to have representatives of Chosen People preach at your church not only provides a nice change of pace but also will provide a unique opportunity for people to ask questions about how to share Jesus (or Yeshua) with their Jewish neighbors. These representatives are also well informed about circumstances in the Middle East. So I’d love to commend this ministry to you and encourage you to consider inviting them to fill your pulpit or Sunday school program. I am confident they will encourage your members that they can share Christ effectively with their neighbors."

Dr. Darrell Bock
Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies
"Your heart for evangelism is very contagious... It is always exciting to see the new and creative ways that you are taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people."
Dr. Mark Yarbrough
President, Dallas Theological Seminary
Joel C. Rosenberg

"I am writing to encourage you to prayerfully consider inviting a representative of Chosen People Ministries to speak to your congregation at prophecy conferences and/or pastors’ conferences, on God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people, and the importance of training, equipping and mobilizing evangelicals to share the Gospel in a compelling way with Jewish people.

I have worked on numerous conferences and Jewish evangelism projects with Chosen People Ministries over the years, and I have seen the Lord use this ministry to effectively touch the hearts of leaders and lay people with the Biblical case for reaching the Jewish people with the love of our Lord.

We believe we are heading towards a “Romans 11:26 world” in which “all Israel will be saved.” Chosen People Ministries continues to proclaim the Good News through Jesus the Messiah to Jewish people around the world.

My hope is that you’ll invite them to come and invest some time with you and the sheep under your care. I believe you will see good fruit as a result."

Joel C. Rosenberg
Author, Founder of the Joshua Fund
Reg Grant

"When I endorse a ministry I follow a couple of simple criteria:

  • I have to have had experience working with the leadership of the ministry.
  • The ministry must lead with integrity and with a commitment to excellence to the glory of God through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

With those criteria in mind, I can recommend Chosen People Ministries with all my heart. I have known CPM president, Mitch Glaser, for many years. He continues to lead CPM with a deep commitment to, and love for the Lord Jesus, and for all the children of Abraham. His compassion and patience have proven themselves time and again. I have seen his love in action under trying circumstances – he is bold but gentle.

His courage in sharing his faith in the Lord Jesus is eclipsed only by his love for his Savior. Mitch inspires his board of directors and the staff at CPM with a living example of what it means to be a servant of Christ. If you are interested in broadening the scope of your vision for the Jewish people, you cannot do better than to invest your time and resources in supporting Chosen People Ministries and their president, Dr. Mitch Glaser."

Reg Grant, Th.D.
Chair and Senior Professor of Media Arts and Worship, Dallas Theological Seminary
"I want to congratulate Chosen People Ministries for over 125 years of exemplary advocacy..."
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
Senior Pastor, New Season Church
Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.

"It is my privilege and pleasure to commend Chosen People Ministries for your consideration. Chosen People Ministries is absolutely committed to reaching the Jewish people with the gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach, both here at home and throughout the world. Whether it’s sharing the Good News on the streets of New York, showing the Savior’s love to aging Holocaust survivors in Israel, or preparing young men and women at the Feinberg Center to proclaim the Gospel clearly to Jewish people everywhere, Chosen People is engaged in strategic ministry.

I have worked closely with Chosen People Ministries and its president, Dr. Mitch Glaser, on several projects. I have been particularly impressed with the integrity of Mitch and his staff. They are fueled by a genuine love for the Jewish people. This passion drives the ministry and underlies every decision that is made.

I have also been impressed by CPM’s commitment to excellence and to doing the work of the ministry in a way that honors our Lord and Savior. They care about sound biblical interpretation, as well as theological accuracy and depth. Recently Mitch brought together a group of evangelical scholars for two timely conferences, one focusing on the Gospel message of Isaiah 53 and the other on the future of the Jewish people. Both conferences yielded quality books that will help those engaged in Jewish evangelism. The most recent volume, entitled The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel, is particularly important at a time when more and more evangelicals are advocating so-called “replacement theology” and rejecting the Dispensational tradition that Dallas Theological Seminary has taught and proclaimed over the past 90 years.

We are living in momentous, dangerous times. Chosen People Ministries is facing the challenge, right out there on the front lines. You can trust Mitch and his team. They have a passion to proclaim the Gospel, to the Jew first, and they do that with integrity and excellence. I am honored to be part of their team."

Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.
Chair and Professor of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Erwin Lutzer
"Over the years I have worked with Dr. Mitch Glaser and his staff in various ministry settings. Chosen People Ministries. They share the gospel and their heart for the Jewish people to come to salvation in an effective manner. I would highly recommend this ministry to you and know your church will be blessed and encouraged by their time with you."
Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Former Senior Pastor of The Moody Church and now Pastor Emeritus, and an award-winning author and celebrated speaker
Pastor Lloyd Pulley
"Chosen People Ministries leaves few stones unturned in reaching Jewish people for Christ, and in inspiring Gentiles to enlarge their hearts to minister to Jewish people. I have been incredibly blessed to have known Dr. Mitch Glaser for years, and to have seen God use his ministry to reach people of every age and background. I am looking forward to seeing how Chosen People Ministries’ will continue this critical outreach in the future!"
Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, NJ