The Los Angeles branch engages in campus outreach, online follow up, and small group fellowships. We seek to minister to the Jewish community as well as equip other believers to do the same. Our focus includes youth camps, college ministry, evangelism, and discipleship. Our heart is to teach, train, and raise up the next generation. We also delight in speaking about our ministry with the greater body of Messiah and the greater Jewish community.
Los Angeles
About Our Work in Los Angeles
Jewish Population
Staff Serving
Staff Serving Los Angeles
History of Jewish Work in Los Angeles
Chosen People Ministries has had a presence in Los Angeles since the mid-1930s when a group of believers reached out to Joseph Hoffman Cohn and the board of directors for help and resources. The board agreed to provide resources to establish a gospel center. Chosen People Ministries also decided to help with leadership and recruitment. Beginning with Elias Zimmerman in the 1930s, contining up to the 1970s with Dan Goldberg, and now, beginning in the 1990s, with Mike and Lisa Cohen, Chosen People Ministries has sought to make a strong presence in the second-largest Jewish community in the United States. We do so by establishing gospel-oriented messages in a context Jewish people can understand and to which they will respond.