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January 2024
The Chosen People Newsletter

Transformed by His Grace

From Mitch's Desk
Transformed by His Grace
Mitch Glaser
Dr. Mitch Glaser

Dear friend in the Messiah, Thank you for your prayers for Israel during these difficult days. I recently spent a week in the Holy Land visiting with our staff. The entire nation is mourning over those murdered by Hamas and the many hostages yet to be found and released. During my trip, I witnessed our staff serving the displaced and evacuated, helping to provide…

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January 2024 President's Letter
Shining God’s Light Through Dark Times Since 1894
Mitch Glaser
Dr. Mitch Glaser

Dear faithful friend, Shalom in the wonderful name of Jesus our Messiah. My wife Zhava and I, and the entire global staff of Your Mission to the Jewish People, wish you a happy New Year and pray 2024 will be a joy-filled and fruitful year of service for you and your family. We cannot thank you enough for your generous prayers and support over…
