October 2024
The Chosen People Newsletter

Never Again Never Alone

Never Again We thought the world had learned its lesson. We thought humanity had grasped the gravity of antisemitism. We thought we had friends who stood with us. We held onto the hope we would never again witness this amount of senseless brutality. But on October 7, 2023, Hamas’ savage attack on innocent Jewish people shattered those illusions. The subsequent upswell of antisemitic rhetoric…
False Charges of Genocide against Israel On streets and campuses around the world, we have heard the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Ironically, those chanting it think they are advocating for peace in the…

Of all the religious groups around the world, Christians stand out for their love and support for Jewish people. Today, this bond is demonstrated by numerous examples of Christians showing solidarity with the State of Israel. What drives this deep-seated…

We are building a Coalition Against Antisemitism (CAAS), which will propose several ways to oppose antisemitism through education, activism, public demonstrations, rallies, lectures, social media, and initiating various public events with a particular emphasis on college campuses. We will work…

You might be ready for the next step—to acknowledge Yeshua (Jesus) as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah. Here are some simple steps to take as you continue your journey. Turn God is holy and we are not! We frequently behave in ways…

- Table of contents
From Mitch's DeskNever Again Never Alone
ArticleThe Truth behind the Chant: “From the River to the Sea”
ArticleOf Course, Christians Love Jewish People
ArticleFounding Statement for the Coalition Against Antisemitism
ArticleWhat if Jesus is the Jewish Messiah?
President's LetterOctober 7 – A Year Later
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Dear friend, Shalom in His grace! It has been one year since the most horrific attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust. What is even more tragic is this gruesome attack took place in Israel, which was founded to be a safe and peaceful homeland for Jewish people—especially for survivors of the Holocaust, which ended a mere three years before the country was established…