September 2024
The Chosen People Newsletter

Blow a Trumpet in Zion

Dear friends of Jewish people, Jewish people are getting ready to celebrate the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, at the very beginning of next month. I hope you take the time to wish a Jewish friend, Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)! During Rosh Hashanah, we have a wonderful Jewish tradition of serving apples and honey to family and friends, representing our wishes for them…
Shalom and Happy Jewish New Year! According to the Jewish calendar, we are about to begin year 5785! Traditional Judaism teaches year zero marks the year of creation. Although most modern Jewish people might not accept this position, they still…

While Rosh Hashanah 2024 will commence the high holiday season on October 2, it more often than not occurs in September. One of the traditions of the Rosh Hashanah service is the reading of what is known as the Akedah, the binding…

Every year, Chosen People Ministries—Germany trains dozens of participants from across the country on how to present the Messiah to people on the streets of Berlin and Munich, especially Jewish people. Every morning for a whole week, there are prayers and classes on the Bible, Jewish history and traditions, apologetics, and outreach, with street evangelism following in the afternoon and evening. Our staff’s goals are to bring Messiah Jesus back home to His Jewish people and to raise new leaders for this important ministry.
Earlier this summer, something special took place in the Messianic Jewish community in Germany. It only happens every other year and is always a powerful source of unity and encouragement—a Messianic Jewish Conference. This year, about 300 people from the approximately thirty Messianic Jewish congregations in Germany came together for fellowship, worship, prayer, and teaching. Our congregation in Munich was represented there with twenty-five participants! What a blessing!
Significantly, the conference’s leadership changed this year: a dear friend of the ministry who has been organizing it for the last twenty years will be retiring. From now on, this event will be in the hands of a new team of four young Messianic leaders—including one from our staff. Please pray for much wisdom and perseverance, as this conference plays a key unifying role in the Messianic Jewish community in Germany. Please also pray for much faith and the outpouring of God’s Spirit!

Nathan* is a Jewish man who has been attending our Messianic congregation in Brooklyn, New York, semi-regularly. Now in his 80s, Nathan confessed he felt the Lord has been speaking to him and calling him since he was a small child. Although Nathan did not grow up in a believing home, both of his parents came to faith in Jesus when he was a young adult (praise the Lord!). Nathan has heard about Jesus and the gospel many times over the course of nine decades!
Our New York staff often sit with Nathan and engage in highly interesting conversations—some humorous, some serious. In a recent conversation with one of our staff members and his wife, Nathan made it clear he believes the Lord can heal him, and he believes most of what the Bible teaches about Jesus. But for some reason he is just not ready to accept Jesus as Messiah and make a full commitment to Him as Lord of his life.
As much as it is a joy to our staff to spend time with Nathan and hear his wealth of knowledge, and as encouraging as it is to hear him say how close he is to giving his life to the Lord, he is still not quite there. Please pray Nathan will finally yield to the Lord’s voice and make Jesus his Lord and Savior.
*Name changed

What do you think when you see a sign proclaiming, “The Final Solution”? For those in Jewish ministry—and Jewish people in general—the phrase clearly brings to mind the Nazi plan to rid Europe and the world of Jewish people during World War II. Yet, one of our staff recently saw a sign with this very slogan on a college campus in the United States! As if calling for the eradication of Israel was not enough, evil is rearing its ugly head and saying the quiet part out loud. Many anti-Israel protestors do not simply want the end of Israel but the end of all Jewish people, everywhere.
Our staff in the Chicago area recently visited the Northwestern University and DePaul University campuses to see the anti-Israel and antisemitic encampments. What they saw was shocking. The vitriol and hatred from the chants and signs were heartbreaking and caused concern about the safety of loved ones in Israel and the United States.
This was precisely why our ministry is planning a Courage Conference for college students. Our goal will be to gather believing college students to biblically encourage, pray with, and offer support and training to help them stand against antisemitism on campus. Topics will include biblical precedents of persecution and students’ rights on campus. Please pray as our staff plan the conference to be a force for good during this very troublesome time.

- Table of contents
From Mitch's DeskBlow a Trumpet in Zion
ArticleNew Year – New Life in the Messiah!
ArticleA High Holiday Bible Study
President's LetterHope is Rising in Tel Aviv
Ministry News Briefs
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Dear friend in the Messiah, Shalom in His grace. I am delighted to write and bring you up to date on what God is doing through this 130-year-old mission to Jewish people. Israel is still deeply in turmoil, which keeps me on my knees. Even if Israel agreed to some type of peace accord with Gaza, welcomed all the living hostages back, received the…