Shalom in His grace!
We are excited about all God is doing in 2023! We will soon release a new animated gospel video for Jewish not-yet-believers based on my book Isaiah 53 Explained. We worked on this new evangelistic tool for more than a year. Once we complete it, you can download the six-minute animation and keep it on your phone as a resource to use when explaining the gospel to a Jewish friend! I think you will love it. It will also be a great help in explaining this profound prophetic portion of the Bible to our next generation of evangelists!
Since the publication of Isaiah 53 Explained, we have given away or sold more than a quarter million books in sixteen languages, including Hebrew, Spanish, French, and Farsi. With great excitement, we are now translating the book into Yiddish, the language most ultra-Orthodox Jewish people read, write, and speak.
We have some great Yiddish public advertising planned for this spring, online and in person as well. The population of ultra-Orthodox Jewish people worldwide is growing, as the religious Jewish community has an abundance of children, more than non-religious Jewish families. We want to reach these zealous and beloved Jewish people with the gospel, so please consider this an investment for the future.
We are budgeting $150,000 for our ultra-Orthodox outreach this year. Please help if you are able.
A few weeks ago, I toured the Hasidic Jewish areas north of New York City. You would not believe the numbers of new homes, large synagogues, and parochial schools (Yeshivas) for the children. It is overwhelming. We know very few believers in Jesus among them, and we are fervently praying for a spiritual breakthrough in this most rapidly growing segment of the world’s Jewish population.
We are praying many will consider the messianic claims of Jesus and put their trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins.

Why is Jewish Evangelism Critical?
The apostle Paul dedicated three entire chapters of the book of Romans to his “kinsmen according to the flesh” (Romans 9–11). Allow me to reflect on these chapters with you for just a moment.
Let us begin with the end, as I believe Paul teaches the next great spiritual event of world history will be the second coming of Jesus.
Ready or not, He is coming again!
Paul wrote in Romans 11:11–12 (with emphasis added),
I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!
Notice how emphatically Paul wrote—“May it never be!” According to the totality of Scripture, God will not allow the Jewish people to fall away completely and become unchosen! Though many of my people—as I am a Jewish believer in Jesus too—did not recognize the Messiah at His first coming, this unfortunate rejection led to “riches for the world.” Paul explained to his readers how, when the Jewish people finally believe in Jesus, this end-times event will be “riches for the world,” and “life from the dead:”
“If their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (Romans 11:15).

Life from the dead!
Give this phrase a moment to sink in. The Jewish acceptance of Jesus as Messiah will release resurrection power for the world!
In Scripture, resurrection, or “life from the dead,” is the realization of our hope; it is the completion of God’s story of redemption. It points to Messiah’s return and rule over every nation on the face of the earth. It means healing for the nations. Weapons transformed into plowshares (Isaiah 2:4). Lambs lying with wolves, and children leading lions (Isaiah 11:6). An earth filled with the knowledge of God (Isaiah 11:1–10). No more crying, no more pain, and death swallowed up in life everlasting (Revelation 21:4).
The apostle Paul tied this glorious future to the second coming of Jesus and then tied the second coming to the end-time repentance and faith in Jesus among the Jewish people.
In other words, when the Jewish people turn to Jesus, Jesus returns.
Therefore, both secular and religious Jewish people will hear the gospel and turn to the Lord. Praise God, it is already happening, as many Jewish people today are becoming believers in Jesus—literally tens of thousands of the world’s fifteen million Jewish people are GIVING THEIR HEARTS TO JESUS THE MESSIAH.

Our Call to Reach Jewish People
But how will the Jewish people hear the gospel? We must not allow Jewish evangelism to be the great omission of the Great Commission.
According to Romans 11:11, the Gentile believers today have a considerable role to play by making Jewish people jealous of the Jewish Messiah living in their hearts.
Your Mission to the Jewish People exists to equip and help send those willing and able to proclaim the power of God for salvation “to the Jew first” and also to the Gentile (Romans 1:16).
We are especially working within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community as our staff in general has a deep passion for the salvation of religious Jewish people.
Here are some other ways our staff is reaching out to the most religious segments of the Jewish community:
- Our staff in New York City and around the globe regularly sets up book tables with Jewish-oriented evangelistic literature in a variety of Jewish neighborhoods and on campuses.
- Recently, one of our European missionaries went door-to-door in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood.
- One of our missionaries constantly distributes our gospel information cards advertising our web sites like “” and “” among young Orthodox Jewish students.
- Another one of our staff took the opportunity to chat with a young ultra-Orthodox Jewish man in Brooklyn about Jesus. The young man listened intently when our missionary quoted Jesus: “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17).
By the grace of God and your support, we are expanding our reach among the most unreached communities!

Our Partnership
This year brings with it many opportunities for you to partner with us in ministry, prayer, and support. Whether you join us in person on a mission trip to Florida, New York City, or Israel, or want to remain at home and support our ministry through your prayers and giving—we need you!
I was born in Brooklyn and had many religious Jewish friends. Many of them genuinely spent their lives seeking the Lord but missing the Messiah! I know many Jewish people who are secular, of course, but they still seek spirituality and a greater connection to God. Your Mission to the Jewish People has a tremendous opportunity—with your help—to touch the lives of Jewish people who are sincerely seeking a new relationship with God but do not look to Jesus as an option. We desperately want to change this and make the Messiah Jesus more accessible to Jewish people. We are doing this online and in person through our congregations as well as street and campus ministries. Additionally, we show His love through acts of kindness, children’s camps, outreach concerts, and ministries meeting the needs of both soul and body!

At this moment, we are planning a global campaign to reach the ever-growing community of ultra-Orthodox Jewish people around the world. They speak Yiddish, whether they live in New York City, Los Angeles, Paris, Montreal, or Tel Aviv . . . so materials in one language can reach hundreds of thousands of Jewish people. We need the funds to print the books and to create advertising online and other public promotions to bring Jesus closer to the Jewish people so they can hear the gospel and be saved.
Your gift today given toward our efforts among the more religious will help us along the path to reaching our goal of $150,000 for the campaign! Maybe you can help us pay for the online advertising for our new animated video of Isaiah 53 Explained, or help us send out Isaiah 53 Explained books in Yiddish to hundreds of Jewish people? However the Lord leads you, we will deeply appreciate your generosity and sacrifice . . . it will be worth it!
In Messiah,
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Your gift of $50 once will help us reach Jewish people with the Gospel.