About Gordon and Christy Law
Gordon Law was saved when he was studying International Business at a university in Hong Kong. He has been connected with Chosen People Ministries since 1999. In the year 2000, he went to study for a Jewish studies program at the Moody Bible Institute. At that time, he was a student missionary with CPM and he reached out to the Jewish people in Chicago. After Gordon finished the Jewish studies program, he continued to study for a M.Div. degree. In 2003, Gordon graduated with a M.Div. in Moody Theological Seminary. He continued his studies to obtain a Th.M. degree (major in New Testament and Missions) at Trinity International University at Chicago and finished the program in 2004.
In 2005, Gordon went back to Hong Kong to serve as a pastor for two years. Later, he was invited to serve in a missions organization called the Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions as the Director of Education and Mobilization. In 2009, Gordon and his family moved to Israel and has since served with Chosen People Ministries. Because of a visa problem, his family returned to Hong Kong in 2014 and was involved in teaching and mobilization work among Chinese churches for Jewish ministries. Gordon is also responsible to bring short-term teams to Israel a few times per year. During his time in Israel, Gordon finished a M.A. degree (major in Religious Studies) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The family moved to New York City for ministry in August 2016. Gordon has a heart to reach out to the Jewish people on university campuses and other places, especially the Israeli community. He also has a strong desire to share among the worldwide Chinese churches about God’s love for the Jewish people. He can speak in Cantonese, Mandarin and English on various topics.
Gordon is married to Christy Law and they have two children. Their daughter was born in Jerusalem, Israel.
Gordon's Speaking Topics
- History of Jerusalem: One Ancient City, Three Religions
- Jewish History of 2,000 Years
- Judaism: Its Belief, Divisions and Concepts of Messiah
- The Holocaust: The Historical Background, Important Events and Impact on Israel
- Messiah in the Passover
- Christian Anti-Semitism in Church History
- Historical Relationship between Judaism and Christianity
- The Importance of Israel in God’s Salvation Plan (Romans 9-11)
- The Importance of the Jewish Festivals for Christians
- The Importance of Gentile Believers in Jewish Evangelism
- The Current Church Situation and Gospel Needs of Modern Israel
- History and Current Situation of Jewish People in China
- How to Share the Gospel with the Jewish People
- Jewish Culture and Jewish Festivals