About Rebekah Miller
Rebekah was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. Her parents instilled in her a value and love for the Word of God, and Rebekah found freedom in a personal relationship with Yeshua when she was thirteen. As Rebekah studied Scripture, a fascination for the Jewish people developed within her. Though she had no Jewish friends at the time, she understood that Jesus’ Jewishness was significant, and wanted to know more about Jewish culture. The more Rebekah grew in her relationship with God and received hope and joy from Jesus, the more she became burdened for the Jewish people to know their own Messiah. She was moved with compassion that the majority of Jewish people had never once heard the good news of Jesus, though they yearned for the coming of the Messiah. Rebekah realized that this burden on her heart was from God and wanted to pursue this calling. She spent a year in Israel in 2017 studying at Israel College of the Bible and learning modern Hebrew, and then transferred to Moody Bible Institute where she completed a Bachelor of Arts in Jewish Studies. Rebekah is currently working on her Mdiv at the Feinberg Institute.
Rebekah joined the staff of Chosen People Ministries in 2020. Along with her desire to reach Jewish people with the good news of Yeshua, Rebekah is passionate about educating other believers in the rich roots of faith in Yeshua and stirring in them a love for the Jewish people. Rebekah serves in Brooklyn, which is home to one of the largest concentrations of Jewish people in the world.
Rebekah's Speaking Topics
- Messiah in the Passover
- The Lamb of God
- Messiah in the Fall Feasts
- Romans 9-11