About Stacey Trobman
Stacey was born and raised in a second-generation Russian Jewish family in Philadelphia, PA. She came to know the Lord in 1972, at the tender age of seven, through the testimony of her eight-year-old best friend!
Stacey went on to college and received her BA in Communications from Temple University in 1987. After a time of wandering away from the Lord, Stacey felt the Lord leading her back to Himself. In 1993 she answered that call and enrolled in full-time study at Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, NY. Stacey served with CoMission Ministry during 1996 in Volgograd Russia. In 1997 she completed her studies and received a Master of Divinity degree from Alliance Theological Seminary. She went on to serve three years as Director of Evangelism and Discipleship for Shawnee Alliance Church in Lima, Ohio. In 2001 she arrived in Israel after an intensive Russian language course. She became an Israeli citizen in 2005 while retaining her US citizenship.
In 2001, after an intensive Russian Language course, Stacey began her life in Israel. Under the umbrella of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, she worked in a Messianic Congregation in Beer Sheva, where she learned Hebrew. She used both languages, working with women and youth. In 2004 she was asked to move to Arad to work with the Hebrew and Russian congregations, where she began to work in children and worship ministry. In 2007 she became team coordinator for the CMA’s Hebrew branch of coworkers.
Stacey is now serving with Beit Sar Shalom, a branch of Chosen People Ministries in Israel. She is the Bible Teacher/Discipler at The Ark – a ladies home in Arad, Israel, sponsored by Teen Challenge. These women, coming from all kinds of backgrounds and addictions, are seeking a new start here through Yeshua. Currently, Stacey is co-leading a children’s after-school program, singing on the worship team, and has a passion for intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare.
Stacey's Speaking Topics
- Fall Feasts of Israel
- Messiah in the Passover
- My Life in Israel (for women’s groups)
- A Tale of Two Women (Stacey’s relationship with her Arab best friend who has since gone on to meet the Lord)
- The Heart of a Woman (The Women of Arad Israel)
- The Proverbs 31 Woman For Children and Youth
- The Children of Israel: One Land Many Cultures
- The Youth of the Negev
- Esther, for Such a Time as This