Your Mission Report: January 2025

A Miracle in the Rubble: Faith Amid Conflict

In the heart of Gaza, a young Messianic believer named David (name changed) has been living out his faith in the most challenging of circumstances.
Called to military service almost a year ago, David has become a quiet messenger of hope, proclaiming the transformative power of Jesus among his fellow soldiers.
A relatively new believer who chose Jesus through Chosen People Ministries and was baptized just three years ago, David carried with him the biblical lessons he had learned—lessons that were made possible through your faithful support.
Each evening, he would boldly engage his unit in discussions about God and the Bible, using the knowledge he had carefully studied.
The most remarkable moment came during a devastating attack. Their unit was trapped in a building that suffered an incredible blow. Five soldiers lost their lives, and five were critically wounded. David and one other soldier were the only ones able to walk, although both were severely injured.
In the midst of destruction and despair, a critically wounded rabbi called out to David, expressing his fear of dying. Drawing on his faith, David whispered to the rabbi that only God could save his life. Right there, amid the rubble and with his own wounds, David knelt and prayed—asking God to save the rabbi’s life, concluding his prayer “in Yeshua’s name.”
Against all medical expectations, the rabbi was discharged to rehabilitation three months later. What a miraculous testament to the power of faith and prayer.
Your investment in David has produced fruit beyond measure—nurturing a young believer who now proclaims Christ’s love in the most unexpected places, even in the midst of war. Thank you!
A Ripple of Hope: From Tokyo to Israel

In the midst of profound personal grief, Zohar found an unexpected sanctuary—a Christian home in the heart of Tokyo. Traveling in Japan, he found a place to stay at our guesthouse, hosted by a Jewish believer. During his stay, he received devastating news from home: his best friend had died unexpectedly.
Zohar’s host’s family did not just offer him a place to stay. They became a compassionate lifeline during his darkest moment, cooking together and providing comfort far from home. Their genuine love left an indelible mark on Zohar’s heart.
But the story did not end there. Zohar began telling his friends back in Israel about this experience, telling them about the incredible Christian family who welcomed him with open arms. Word began to spread through Israeli traveler networks—stories of unexpected kindness from Christian families around the world ready to embrace weary travelers.
The proof came recently when one of Zohar’s closest friends tracked down our staff in Tokyo because he was drawn by the stories of kindness Zohar had told.
These connections are not just coincidental—they are divinely orchestrated moments of spiritual intervention.
Your prayers and support make these encounters possible. What begins as a simple act of hospitality becomes a powerful testimony . . . spreading hope one conversation, one meal, one board game at a time.
A Safe Haven: Reaching Israelis near the Grand Canyon

Imagine a place where weary Israeli travelers can find rest, friendship, and unexpected encounters with God’s love. Camp Zula is that vision becoming reality—a unique ministry strategically located near the Grand Canyon where Jewish travelers can experience genuine hospitality and hear about Yeshua (Jesus) in a non-threatening environment.
Our workers have spent years preparing for this moment. Now, they are just steps away from creating a transformative space where Israeli backpackers can find community, comfort, and engage in potentially life-changing spiritual conversations. By providing a zula (a Middle Eastern term for a relaxed gathering space), we are opening doors to proclaim the gospel in the most natural, welcoming way possible.
We need your partnership and prayers to launch this groundbreaking ministry. The work ahead of us includes securing property, preparing comfortable glamping tents, and creating the infrastructure needed to welcome Israeli travelers. This is not just about a campground—it is about creating a bridge of understanding and love between Christians and Israeli travelers.
A Divine Interruption: An Unexpected Pathway to Faith

In the warmth of a Sabbath dinner in Brooklyn, something extraordinary was unfolding—a moment that defied expectation and revealed God’s remarkable ways of drawing people to Himself.
Daniel (name changed), raised in an Orthodox Jewish home but no longer religiously observant, did something remarkable. As the group discussed Scripture, the profound prophecy of Isaiah 53 emerged—and Daniel unexpectedly became an eager messenger. “You should really hear this,” he told his friend Lior (name changed), insisting they read the ancient prophecy aloud.
The words of Isaiah describe a suffering servant, a prophetic passage that points unmistakably to Messiah. As they read, Daniel turned to Lior with a probing question: “Who does that sound like?” What followed was a profound conversation about God’s love, sacrifice, and the hope of redemption.
The divine orchestration continued. The very next day, Daniel and Lior attended a Messianic congregation, where—incredibly—the message centered on that same chapter of Isaiah. They heard teachings about Yeshua, found space to ask their most pressing questions about faith, and met believers who told personal testimonies.
Your partnership makes these moments possible. By supporting this ministry, you are creating environments where Jewish people can explore the depth of their spiritual heritage and encounter the living Messiah.
2025: A new year to proclaim the message of Messiah!
Thank you for standing with Chosen People Ministries.
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