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Last year, the weeks and days leading up to Passover were particularly difficult. Many families were grieving the loss of loved ones in the October 7 massacre. Whether slaughtered at a music festival or on a border kibbutz, or fighting to free Israel from the tyranny of Hamas, the grief was tangible. Multiple families were agonizing over a world in which their innocent loved ones were either murdered or dragged from their homes and imprisoned in Gaza.

Their grief will not be assuaged until every hostage from every family is freed and reunited with their loved ones.

In a moving display of hope and faith, there will be many Jewish homes with Passover tables set with an empty seat—for a hostage. Passover is a time when Jewish people commemorate the redemption God brought to His chosen people. The very idea of redemption from bondage and deliverance from slavery are two of the main themes of the Passover season, and they took on new dimensions of heart-wrenching meaning last year as more than 200 Jewish people were taken from freedom back to bondage by Hamas.  

Passover:  Freedom from Bondage

A year has passed, and Passover 2025 will be quite different from the last. We are glad that several hostages have been reunited with their families. The war has slowed down, as have the rockets attacking Israel from Gaza and southern Lebanon. The missiles launched by the Houthis in Yemen have also been reduced. The numbers of Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists are fewer, and the conversation has trended from the escalation of hostilities to the reduction of the same. Iran is becoming a toothless tiger, out of leaders, money, and influence and unable to support their three proxy terrorist groups. 

The playing field has changed! On the other hand, there are almost 1,000 dead Israeli soldiers, and the hearts of their families have been shredded by the grief of losing so many young men and women at the very beginning of their adult lives. Not all the hostages were released, and Gaza itself is in ruins, creating a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions because of Hamas’ failed leadership, who would rather see their own kinsmen murdered to accomplish their and Iran’s twisted political goals.

The message of Passover echoes through the centuries as found in the book of Exodus, where the children of Israel pleaded for deliverance. Thankfully, God heard their cries.

Now, behold, the cry of the sons of Israel has come to Me; furthermore, I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians are oppressing them. (Exodus 3:9)

Today, the Jewish people in Israel and around the globe are in desperate need of salvation, redemption, and freedom from many forms of bondage, including being enslaved to sin, which is true of all people. Yet, the Jewish people are in a special set of dire circumstances today because of October 7. Today, we join the Jewish people and amplify their silent plea for redemption, which can only be found in the Messiah Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. 

The Jewish people today are yearning for freedom for the remaining hostages and for the healing of their land and families. We know the answer to these momentous needs is only found in Him.

Join us in our new Passover Outreach Campaign, which begins in March and continues through May. 

You can be part of shining the light of the Messiah Jesus on Jewish people in Israel and around the world by partnering with us in reaching Holocaust survivors, young adults, children, and displaced families who have lost their homes because of the massacre of October 7.

Passover Campaign 2025

Passover Seder table

$250,000 will be used to reach Jewish people in Israel and around the globe for Jesus!

Here are a few elements of this campaign that you can pray for and support.

  • $100,000 for digital and social media outreach campaigns in Hebrew, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and various other types of online Hebrew channels 
  • $100,000 for events, staffing, and advertising of our concerts, Sabbath dinners, men’s and women’s Bible studies, worship nights, and children’s programs during the next few months—focused on the theme of redemption from the bondage of sin and the oppression of terrorism
  • $50,000 for the creation of new videos, unique and distinct Messianic music videos, and the promotion of these tools for evangelism and discipleship online

We believe that our ministry to proclaim freedom and forgiveness through the Lamb of God must be taken to a new level immediately as Jewish people in Israel and around the globe are hurting and open to the Lord right now!