Dear friend,
We continue to see antisemitism on the rise, especially οn college campuses! Hillel, the main Jewish campus organization worldwide, recorded a total of 1,810 reported antisemitic incidents on college campuses since October 7, which is a 700 percent increase compared to last year.[1]
This is a matter of grave concern as students look forward to beginning a new semester at universities across the country. Christian students often set up book tables and find ways to introduce their ministries to new students. The pro-Israel and Jewish Christian groups on campuses will be reluctant to be out-front and vocal because of the possible intimidation and opposition by pro-Hamas groups on campus. They need our help and prayers!
But, the problem is not limited to the campus. It seems to be happening everywhere. May I take a moment of your time and tell you about my heart and concern over this growing wave of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments sweeping across our country and so much of the Western world?
The Pernicious Nature of Antisemitism
From a biblical point of view, antisemitism is a hatred aimed at destroying Jewish people.
The Hamas rallying cry “from the river to the sea” is a twisting of Genesis 15:18, which promises the land to Abraham’s descendants “from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.” So, from river to river, God promised the land of Israel to Jewish people by covenant. As believers in God’s Word, we have no other choice but to affirm what He has already promised.
If we support those seeking the destruction of Jewish people or the removal of Jewish people from the land of Israel, then we are working at cross purposes with God. Instead, let us make certain we are partnering with God in every way, including His plan for Jewish people. Let us love what He loves and speak out against what He hates!
Once again, we are not calling all Christians to support every Israeli policy or military action, but rather simply to advocate for Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign nation. We do believe God gave the land of Israel to Jewish people, but we realize war is hard on everyone. Mistakes are made. But, remember, Israel is defending herself against Hamas, who initiated the conflict by storming Israel with close to 4,000 terrorists who set out to murder, kidnap, and brutalize innocent Israelis.
Those condemning Israel’s wartime behavior seem to have lost sight of October 7! If not for this Black Sabbath, Israelis and Palestinians could have continued the process of trying to work out a reasonable peace and relationship. Hamas destroyed what so many tried to build through peaceful means. And in the process, their behavior has brought terrible damage to their own people, whom they use as human shields. Hamas’ leader, Yahya Sinwar, openly admitted Palestinian civilian deaths is part of his agenda. As the New York Post reported,
Hamas’ top official in Gaza, who helped mastermind the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, coldly admitted he sees the deaths of Palestinian civilians as “necessary sacrifices” to keep its war against Israel raging. . . . Yahya Sinwar lauded his efforts in stalling cease-fire talks. . . . “We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Sinwar said in a message to Hamas officials meeting with Qatari and Egyptian negotiators.[2]
What a terrible statement for a leader to make about his own people who are suffering!
And now it is not only Israelis and innocent Palestinians who are suffering because of the actions of the Hamas leadership, but Jewish people everywhere are now the subject of a new wave of antisemitism raging like a fire across the globe!
We must put a stop to antisemitism!
A Coalition Against Antisemitism
We held a significant event on Broadway, in Manhattan on June 20 to oppose antisemitism. Hundreds of people attended and made a commitment to do something about the rise of antisemitism. This was a first step in our efforts to fuel a movement of loving support on the part of Christians for their Jewish friends and neighbors.
Now I am asking you to do the same!
We are building a Coalition Against Antisemitism. This effort is especially designed to enable followers of Jesus to make a difference by becoming better informed and taking a more active role in this spiritual battle for the souls of Jewish people.
We cannot underestimate the importance of providing Christians with a spiritual and biblical foundation for their prayers and actions. Just imagine how Jewish people will feel about Christians and may even take a new and different look at the gospel message because of a Christian’s love and concern, especially after centuries of anti-Jewish attitudes and actions by so-called Christians. My beloved community and God’s chosen people need to see a church in love with the Jewish Messiah and ready to stand with His kinsmen according to the flesh!
The following statement will form the basis for this new Coalition Against Antisemitism, which we hope and pray will capture your heart and the hearts of believers in Jesus across our country. Please read the statement prayerfully and ask the Lord to help you find ways to support Jewish people during this time of need.

The Coalition’s Founding Statement
- Antisemitism is spiritual in origin. When God chose Jewish people to accomplish His purposes on earth, the devil selected Jewish people as well and has sought to destroy this nation.
- Antisemitism became embedded in the church from the fourth century onwards as many Christians took a negative view of Jewish people.
- Antisemitism was linked to Christian political entities, which formulated various anti-Jewish policies during the medieval period.
- Antisemitism became an essential part of Islam as the Muslim armies conquered the Middle East and parts of Western Europe.
- This theologically-fueled disdain for Jewish people ultimately influenced a more virulent form of racial antisemitism, culminating in the Holocaust. Jewish people today often understand modern antisemitism as stemming from the negative views of Jewish people in Christian cultures.
- Antisemitic conspiratorial views spread throughout the world during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Various population pockets around the world accepted these lies.
- The founding of the modern State of Israel in 1948 became a focal point for Islamic antisemitism, which already had a long history in the annals of classical Islamic writings. This hatred has turned especially volatile and violent during the last few decades, erupting into the massacres of innocent Jewish people on October 7, 2023. . . .[3]
The Prayer
Would you also pray the following prayer and let me know you have prayed and will encourage others to do the same:
Oh God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Father of our Messiah Jesus, I ask You to bless and protect Your chosen people and to bring peace to all who live in the land of Israel. By Your Spirit, please guide me to find ways I can help support Jewish people during this season of rising antisemitism. Use me, Lord, through my congregation, small group, my family, and wherever I have influence for You to inspire others to love Jewish people. Lord, may I be Your instrument of mercy, grace, and love to bring help, comfort, and protection to all the children of Jacob in the Holy Land, the United States, and around the globe.
In the name of Yeshua, Amen.

Thanks so much for caring! Your gift of any amount will help us reach college students for the Lord. We have budgeted $150,000 for this effort, and your gift will enable us to plan our efforts. Your support of these precious young people on campus will be used powerfully for His glory and to extend the testimony of Your Mission to the Jewish People on campuses across the country.
P.S. Pro-Hamas activists and their sympathizers are targeting Jewish students around the globe. Many students are cautious, fearful, and concerned about their freedom of expression in their public identification as Jewish people, or as friends of Israel and Jewish people around the world.
Students, parents, and grandparents, let us encourage them to stand for the Lord and Jewish people during this difficult moment! Would you help us financially with a generous gift today? Your partnership will support programs like the COURAGE conference this month, when we will encourage students facing antisemitism on hostile campuses to remain bold for Israel and for the Messiah. We do not want to burden students or parents with costs for this conference outside of a small fee for attending. What is not used for COURAGE will go toward our work on campuses reaching Jewish students for the Lord!
[1] “Antisemitism on College Campuses: Incident Tracking from 2019–2024,” Hillel, last updated June 17, 2024,
[2] Ronny Reyes, “Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Believes Palestinian Deaths Are ‘Necessary Sacrifices’: Leaked Messages,” New York Post, June 11, 2024,
[3] To read the full statement and join the Coalition, go to
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