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8 min read
Ten Things Christians Can Learn From the High Holidays

Beyond a yearly calendar of holy convocations, the Levitical Feasts (Leviticus 23) as a whole point the reader to a deeper understanding of the God of Israel.

6 min read
A Painful Past

The topic of “Modern Day Antisemitism” is critical – particularly with regard to its impact upon Jewish evangelism. This is not an easy subject, and it is one we would probably prefer to avoid, but to do so would be at our own peril.

7 min read
Jewish Evangelism in Light of a Negative History

The primary reason Jewish people today will not easily consider the possibility that Jesus is the Messiah is because of the historically negative relationship Jewish people have had with Christianity.

5 min read
Jesus and the Jewish People: A Look at History

The forces of history have helped to drive a wedge between mainstream Judaism and Christianity. But how did it come about?
