Your Mission Report: February 2025

A Casual Hike Opens Doors in Korea

Words can hardly convey the immense blessing, clear leading, and perfect timing of God in Korea. He has been moving among local pastors, teams, and individuals to prayerfully open homes and hostels for visiting Israelis. There are many open doors.
One of those open doors was with a group of young people. We spent the day hiking and exploring Seoul with two young Israeli men. That evening, they invited two young women to join us in a café. The relationships built during our casual hike opened the door for spiritual conversations that evening. One of the young men asked, “What must I do to become a Messianic Jew?” We were able to deliver a clear gospel presentation . . . telling them that following Yeshua was not a ceremony, but a personal faith in the Messiah.
Later that evening, the young man shared his painful war experiences and expressed a need for emotional healing. Although he declined the Bible we offered, he promised to get one later.
Please pray that the seeds that were planted in this young man, and in the others we met in Korea, will grow for God’s glory and their salvation. It is for Jewish people like those we met in Korea that Chosen People Ministries exists! But it is only through your prayers and faithful support that we can share stories like these. Thank you!
Familiar . . . yet Brand New in Virginia

“I feel like this was made for me because I’m Jewish and I believe in Jesus!”
These tremendous words were proclaimed by a ten-year-old Jewish boy during our annual Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) campout in Virginia this fall. He was camping for the weekend with his grandmother, a believer, at the same campground as our group. When she saw a Messianic group was there, she asked if she and her grandson could join us for services. We were happy to oblige!
At our outdoor Sabbath service, the boy sang the blessings he recognized from his Hebrew school and synagogue. They were already familiar to him! When we presented the message about having a brand new, changed heart because of knowing Yeshua, the boy made a clear pronouncement of faith!
God was already preparing that boy for this special moment, and he used our witness as Jewish believers to solidify the truth for him. Please pray for this young boy and his family . . .that he would grow in his faith and that more seeds would be planted in his relatives.
This is the kind of heart transformation you make possible!
New Beginnings in Tel Aviv

It has been a difficult season in Israel. War has people feeling depleted, exhausted, uncertain, and anxious. Even Jewish believers are feeling the stress. But they are hungry for fellowship and a deepening of their faith. To serve them, we have begun a series of monthly seminars to further explore the foundations of our faith on topics like the Trinity. This will equip these believers to share their faith with confidence and enthusiasm.
Women in vocational ministry are also facing special challenges. During a year of hardship and uncertainty, they have been faithfully serving their communities at their own expense. In partnership with another Israeli ministry, we have organized a special gathering for these women. We expect about seventy-five women of all ages from all over Israel to attend!
Please pray that these gatherings—which offer fellowship, worship, Bible study, and special treats—will lift spirits, encourage hearts, and renew minds for continued ministry.
A Divine Encounter . . . on a Plane and in the Car

God is present and at work everywhere, including planes and cars. Mendy,* an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man was traveling to visit family in Florida when he found himself sitting next to a Chosen People Ministries staff member on the airplane. Quick and easy conversations began about Torah, Talmud, and eventually Messiah. The conversation was so warm and animated, the flight attendant asked how long they had known each other. To her great surprise, our staff member said, “We just met!”
When the plane landed, Mendy intended to get an Uber to his destination. But he and our staff member discovered they were going to the same place, so our staff member offered him a ride in his car. Mendy quickly accepted, and their spiritual conversation continued for another forty-five minutes. This was a divine encounter!
Our staff member continues to be in touch with Mendy and plans to meet him again. Please pray that he will continue to be open to knowing the Jewish Messiah, Jesus.
* Name changed
We are grateful for you! The support and prayers of friends like you make these stories possible. Because you care and give, Jewish people all over the world are meeting the Messiah. Thank you for being an important part of this effective outreach to Jewish people everywhere.
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