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Most believers appreciate having a clearer understanding of the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. Explore more about our faith in Jesus from this angle and other topics, including evangelism, Israel, antisemitism, biblical festivals, the international Jewish community, Jewish roots of Christianity, personal testimonies, and prophecy.
You might be ready for the next step—to acknowledge Yeshua (Jesus) as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah. Here are some simple steps to take as you continue your journey. Repent God is holy and we are not! We frequently behave in ways that separate us from Him, and we need His forgiveness.
“Why, God, why? The pain is more than I can bear!” Almost everyone has asked the question about why we suffer. But is there an answer to this heartfelt question? Many well-known people from the Bible have even asked the question, including Jonah and King David. Perhaps the Bible also…
Illness is often the source of our deepest suffering. You might ask yourself, “Where is God in the midst of this seemingly endless suffering?”
Christians from diverse backgrounds converged to intercede for Israel on Pentecost. Yet, amidst the spirit of unity and support, opposition emerged from a small segment of the religious Jewish community. How—and why—should we respond?
Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Jewish festivals, including the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). He is the consummation of the holiday as He is God in the flesh who “tabernacled,” or lived, among us. As John wrote, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,…
MARTY GOETZ “For Zion’s Sake”: An Interview with Marty Goetz Marty Goetz is a Messianic Jewish musician who has been recording songs since 1985. Some of his most famous songs are “O Lord, Our Lord” and “He Is My Defense.” In addition to writing and recording…
Music permeates the Hebrew Scriptures. For example, we read about Jubal, who “was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe” (Genesis 4:21). Moses and Miriam sang, as did Deborah, Hannah, and David. The psalmist calls upon all the earth: “Sing to the…
Worshiping the Messiah through music has been a crucial part of life for followers of Jesus (Yeshua) since the first century. Paul exhorts believers in Messiah to be filled with the Spirit and speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual music (Ephesians 5:18–19). Honoring God…
Singing and dancing are a central part of Jewish culture and religious life, and how much more exciting for those who can rejoice in their relationship with the Messiah! Music as joyful worship is an essential part of biblical life. Psalm 95:1 encourages us to sing…
How do you define Messianic Music? I used to define Messianic music as Jewish in flavor and apostolic in doctrine. I no longer define it that way because it left out the element of communal location. I now favor this definition: “Messianic music is music that is Jewish in flavor,…
In the following interview, David, a Jewish missionary with Chosen People Ministries in Israel, talks about how he came to faith in Jesus, his and his wife Viktoria’s ministry among Tel Aviv’s young, secular Jewish population, and how believers can pray for ministry in Israel. Can you tell us…
For several years now, we have coordinated a vibrant global ministry to young Israelis as they travel the world after their mandatory army service. Their post-military year is a key transitional time for twenty-something Israeli men and women before they embark on a path to…