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Most believers appreciate having a clearer understanding of the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. Explore more about our faith in Jesus from this angle and other topics, including evangelism, Israel, antisemitism, biblical festivals, the international Jewish community, Jewish roots of Christianity, personal testimonies, and prophecy.

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2 min read
Faithful to His Covenants

Abraham is called the father of our faith. This becomes even more significant when we consider that Abraham’s father was an idolator, someone who worshipped other gods (Joshua 24:2). Our Jewish sages take it one step further and describe Terah as an idol maker. Abram is called out of a…

2 min read
Israel’s Glorious Future

Happy fourth night of Hanukkah! The Apostle Paul went to great lengths to explain that although God was adding Gentiles to His kingdom in great numbers, He was not finished with Israel and the Jewish people. Paul goes so far as to say that when Messiah returns, all of the…

2 min read
Hanukkah: Light to the Nations

Israel has always been in a strategic location to have a worldwide impact. In ancient times, there were two major trade routes that passed through Israel. It was no mistake when God took Israel, gave them His Word, and placed them “at the center of the nations” (Ezekiel 5:5). As…

2 min read
The Tradition of the Eight Days and God’s Faithfulness

One of the sweetest experiences of Hanukkah is lighting the menorah. We light one candle the first night, and add another candle every night until the menorah is filled with nine lit candles. If you were to ask, “Why eight days?” you would likely get some variation of a story…

1 min read
Our Messianic Hope: Micah 5:2

Happy last night of Hanukkah! The Jewish people have a word that we recite at Passover, dayenu, that means, essentially, “It would have been enough.” If God had only done this for us, it would have been enough, but He went further. It would have been enough if God had…

2 min read
Our Messianic Hope: Isaiah 9:6-7

There is so much to be excited about when a baby is born. There is new hope for the future, and a name to be selected. Will the child be named after a family member? A friend? Will the name be trendy? Traditional? Will the child like the name? In…

7 min read
What Are We Waiting For?

A little more than 2,000 years ago, a baby boy was born. His mother wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. Suddenly, an angel appeared to some shepherds nearby, accompanied by a celestial choir praising God with the words, “Glory to God in the highest, and…

3 min read
The Road to Bethlehem

One of the great joys in my ministry over the years has been leading tours to Israel. One of the places I go is called the Shepherds’ Field. About a mile east of Bethlehem, it is the location where the shepherds would have witnessed the angels announcing the birth of…

3 min read
Introduction to the Letter to the Ephesians

Paul was a prisoner continually chained to a Roman guard when he wrote his epistle to the believing community in Ephesus, around ad 60–62. The recipients of his letter were followers of Jesus in the Roman province of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). While this letter is commonly called “The Epistle…

8 min read
Statement Regarding the Definition of Antisemitism and the Modern Messianic Movement

Comments by Dr. Mitch Glaser President, Chosen People Ministries One might ask what position the modern Messianic movement takes on the controversy over the definition of antisemitism, along with its illustrations proposed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA). The following statement is…

12 min read
Isaiah 62: I Will Not Be Silent

Mitch Glaser, president of Chosen People Ministries, presented this message at the Summit on Opposing Antisemitism. We partnered with Moody Bible Institute to host this event in Chicago on November 9, 2024. I am Mitch Glaser, president of Chosen People Ministries, and it is my pleasure to thank you for…

7 min read
Why Hospitality?

You do not need seminary training or the gift of evangelism. You simply need to say, “Yes!” to the Lord, open your heart and home, and allow God to love His people through you. Thanksgiving & Hospitality  Thanksgiving was founded not only as a time to give thanks but also as…