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Most believers appreciate having a clearer understanding of the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. Explore more about our faith in Jesus from this angle and other topics, including evangelism, Israel, antisemitism, biblical festivals, the international Jewish community, Jewish roots of Christianity, personal testimonies, and prophecy.

You might be ready for the next step—to acknowledge Yeshua (Jesus) as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah. Here are some simple steps to take as you continue your journey. Turn God is holy and we are not! We frequently behave in ways that separate us from Him, and we need His forgiveness.

Of all the religious groups around the world, Christians stand out for their love and support for Jewish people. Today, this bond is demonstrated by numerous examples of Christians showing solidarity with the State of Israel. What drives this deep-seated connection? What inspires this enduring love? Let us explore these…

While Rosh Hashanah 2024 will commence the high holiday season on October 2, it more often than not occurs in September. One of the traditions of the Rosh Hashanah service is the reading of what is known as the Akedah, the binding of Isaac, found in Genesis 22. In this story, the…

It Starts with an Invitation to Tea Introducing Jesus to Jewish people on the streets of New York can be risky, but denouncing antisemitism with bold T-shirts and hats can lead to meaningful conversations about the Messiah! We saw this happen during our Shalom New York 2024 outreach. Chosen People…

Israel’s mandatory military service seemed routine to Amos before October 7, 2023 … but then his country and his unit were plunged into the chaos of war! Fear, distress, anxiety, despair … His emotions ran the gamut during those desperate months before his deployment ended and he could leave behind…

False Charges of Genocide against Israel On streets and campuses around the world, we have heard the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Ironically, those chanting it think they are advocating for peace in the Middle East, but they are instead standing with Hamas and…

Shalom and Happy Jewish New Year! According to the Jewish calendar, we are about to begin year 5785! Traditional Judaism teaches year zero marks the year of creation. Although most modern Jewish people might not accept this position, they still celebrate the holiday known as Rosh Hashanah, “the head of…

When the Bible refers to Jesus as the “Son of David,” it is meant to help us understand how Jesus is like David. Just as one can spot the resembling features of a parent in a child, so we are meant to see Jesus’ striking resemblance to David. In other…

Most Jewish holidays are festive occasions with plenty of food, fellowship, and fun for all. But some dates on the Jewish calendar are marked by more somber observance. In the case of the Day of Atonement, for example, a solemn attitude and fasting reminds people of…

We are building a Coalition Against Antisemitism (CAAS), which will propose several ways to oppose antisemitism through education, activism, public demonstrations, rallies, lectures, social media, and initiating various public events with a particular emphasis on college campuses. We will work to influence local churches, seminaries and colleges, denominations, and Christian…

The year was 1781. An eight-year fight for American independence neared its end. The Continental Army, led by George Washington, prepared to overwhelm the British army in Yorktown, Virginia. But Washington had no money. The American troops were underpaid and lacked sufficient food, clothing, and weapons. Some threatened to mutiny.

Top U.S. Jewish Organizations Fighting Antisemitism (in alphabetical order) American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): Founded in 1963, AIPAC is a Jewish national organization with three million members that fosters a relationship between the United States and Israel and advocates on behalf of Israel to the U.S. legislative and executive…