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Most believers appreciate having a clearer understanding of the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. Explore more about our faith in Jesus from this angle and other topics, including evangelism, Israel, antisemitism, biblical festivals, the international Jewish community, Jewish roots of Christianity, personal testimonies, and prophecy.

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7 min read
The Truth behind the Chant:
“From the River to the Sea”

False Charges of Genocide against Israel On streets and campuses around the world, we have heard the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Ironically, those chanting it think they are advocating for peace in the Middle East, but they are instead standing with Hamas and…

7 min read
New Year – New Life in the Messiah!

Shalom and Happy Jewish New Year! According to the Jewish calendar, we are about to begin year 5785! Traditional Judaism teaches year zero marks the year of creation. Although most modern Jewish people might not accept this position, they still celebrate the holiday known as Rosh Hashanah, “the head of…

7 min read
Jewishness of the Bible
Son of David: More than a DNA Test

When the Bible refers to Jesus as the “Son of David,” it is meant to help us understand how Jesus is like David. Just as one can spot the resembling features of a parent in a child, so we are meant to see Jesus’ striking resemblance to David. In other…

5 min read
What to Learn from Tisha B’Av, Lament, and Consolation

Most Jewish holidays are festive occasions with plenty of food, fellowship, and fun for all. But some dates on the Jewish calendar are marked by more somber observance. In the case of the Day of Atonement, for example, a solemn attitude and fasting reminds people of…

1 min read
Founding Statement for the Coalition Against Antisemitism

We are building a Coalition Against Antisemitism (CAAS), which will propose several ways to oppose antisemitism through education, activism, public demonstrations, rallies, lectures, social media, and initiating various public events with a particular emphasis on college campuses. We will work to influence local churches, seminaries and colleges, denominations, and Christian…

6 min read
Jewish History
Haym Salomon: Jewish American Patriot

The year was 1781. An eight-year fight for American independence neared its end. The Continental Army, led by George Washington, prepared to overwhelm the British army in Yorktown, Virginia. But Washington had no money. The American troops were underpaid and lacked sufficient food, clothing, and weapons. Some threatened to mutiny.

13 min read
Top Organizations Fighting Antisemitism

Top U.S. Jewish Organizations Fighting Antisemitism (in alphabetical order) American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): Founded in 1963, AIPAC is a Jewish national organization with three million members that fosters a relationship between the United States and Israel and advocates on behalf of Israel to the U.S. legislative and executive…

8 min read
Major Results of the“Christian Attitudes toward the War in Gaza in 2024” Survey

Background to the Survey Motti Inbari, professor of Jewish studies at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Kirill Bumin, associate dean of Boston University Metropolitan College, conducted the survey.1 It was carried out March 8–14, 2024, and included 2,033 self-identified American Christian adults.2 The…

Israeli Flag
1 min read
A Response to the Massive Iranian Attack against Israel on Saturday, April 13, 2024

Read this update from Dr Mitch Glaser on the Iranian attack on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

3 min read
Micah’s Final Prayer to the Lord – Micah 7:14-20

As we close our study of the book of Micah, the great prophet of Israel and a contemporary of Isaiah, we see him praying for the Lord to take a more active role as the Shepherd of Israel. He pleaded, “Shepherd Your people with Your scepter, the flock of Your…

8 min read
The Coalition Against Antisemitism

Jewish people generally expect antisemitism, in a variety of forms, will “rise up against us to destroy us in every generation,”1 yet this ancient evil has grown another head in our day, especially since the horrifying events of October 7. The war in Israel and the ways in…

3 min read
Micah 7:7-13 – A Confident Prophet

In contrast to the impatient Israelites of his day, the prophet Micah resolved to “watch” and “wait” for God to act as He had promised. He wrote, “But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will…